Tiger, tiger.....

An article on Tiger, the new Mac operating system. Will Spotlight really supplant, if not obsolete the decades old Mac "folder" filing system? The significant, the good and the trivial.

" Mac OS X has recently become interesting even to people outside the Cult of Macintosh. The more Microsoft Windows is bogged down by viruses, spyware and disruptive security updates, the more miserable life becomes--and the more the long-suffering Windows majority begins to investigate virus-free, spyware-free alternatives like Mac OS X. "

Will the PC crowd wake up- THIS time? Not a chance. Old habits (crash, virus! reboot, reinstall, crash, virus!, reinstall, etc) die hard. As they say, if people will accept it (whatever IT is) the way it is now, they'll accept it 10X as bad.... (The freeway system, current administration, the Mall as village square, water quality, health insurance, etc ad inf)

I guess an idea, gadget, OS, consciousness, policy, etc - has to be really fresh to get them to 'invest' in it. Lke the iPod?

"Tiger tiger burning bright, in the forests of the night, what unholy hand or eye hath framed they fearful symmetry?"
- Paraphrase of Bill Gates re: Steve Jobs via William Blake