The Pro War Movement

Article forwarded by a friend impressed by Canadian Naomi Klein speaking in Oakland recently. Some interesting comments....

Most people feel Naomi is "truly brilliant", as my friend does. Or another "Hanoi Jane". In which case, what epithet really fits? Osama Naomi? Baghdad Klein? Not really. The difficulty in stereotyping Naomi, except mindlessly as 'treasonous', proclaims the illegitimacy of her accusers' position.

The point is, who is she 'working for'? The "Anti War Movement". Which has 'lost the plot', as our Australian friends put it:

The Movement needs to migrate to the center and rename itself "The Pro War Movement." Motto: "The RIGHT war at the RIGHT time." An umbrella concept, like merely being "against war"- has long since become maudlin and depleted.

Instead, the Movement should trash Bush and the Neo Cons cabal because of what they are: appallingly incompetent War Administrators. Not because of what they are not: peace loving. They have no exit strategy. No occupation strategy. No war prizes (ones they'll tell open up about, anyway.) Certainly none to be shared with their fellow Americans. No slaves. Well.... Poor administration, widespread corruption, ideology as a substitute for transparency, etc. They've botched it badly.

Opposition often promotes the strengths of the Opposed. The Anti War Movement needs to regain the credibility it has not had for a long, long time. Then, nail them.

The majority of the center and right don't hear the tune with that same old shopworn, impractical slogan:

How to End the War -- In These Times