US Administration: Impeachable?

You couldn't call the writer of this Bangor (Maine) Daily News article eloquent. Robert's views are unimportant to the world outside Bangor. He's angry and bewildered, like many of us who just don't get it........

"What's curious is why anyone like me should have to even point this out."

Robert's the kid in the crowd who cries, "The King has no clothes!" Unpalatable, even unacceptable to adults. But being a kid- or an unknown writer from a small town in Maine- doesn't make the truth any less the truth. As Krishnamurti put it, it's not who says it. It's what is said.

Many would trash this article as lies, liberal propaganda, anti war nonsense, deranged ranting....

Well, is it?

You know the answer.

The real problem is the answer doesn't matter.