
"Another conspiracy theory". Ho hum....

One of 100's of videos, websites about 9/11. Yawn....

Make up your own mind. The Mall's not open yet, is it......?


Like this crazy world, what a crazy guy thinks.........

1. No WMD in Iraq before US invaded.

(Everyone knows this by now.)

2. No 'yellow cake' uranium sent to the Iraqis from Nigeria.

(Everyone knows this by now.)

3. No "terrorist connection" between Saddam Hussein's Iraq and Al Queda. Or with any other terrorist group.

(Almost everyone knows this by now.)

4. US did not invade Iraq to bring "democracy" to Iraqis. There was another reason. Strategic energy resources, distribution.

(More and more Americans now realize this.)

5. 9/11 was a controlled implosion, missile and airplane attack. By our own government, a plausible reason to invade Iraq.

(Unthinkable for almost all of us. We'd better start thinking it.)

6. US invaded Iraq to create a PERMANENT base to control middle east (and Russian) energy resources.

(Few Americans realize this, still.)

7. US invasion of Iraq- although meant to permanently occupy for control of the oil- was counterproductive.
We destroyed the only counterweight to Iran's power. Must have been a VERY good reason to give it up.

(Think tankers finally figured this out? Or did they know from the start? And the rest of us?)

8. US invasion of Iran is a gambler's "doubling up". Lose the bet? Double the next one.
US cannot support or win a war against Iran. The draft is politically unfeasible. That leaves one option, only: Nukes

US aggression against Iran will strengthen the Iranian people's support of an unpopular Tehran government.

(More and more Americans realize this.)

9. US Middle East policy catastrophe is speeding up the disastrous, almost inevitable linkage between Asian (China/India/
Japan) energy consumption grid, energy rich Russia and major Middle East energy resources.
Already, billing petroleum in Euros (or Yen) in lieu of USD has begun. This mean s financial chaos for the US.
This cannot be allowed to happen. But it IS. This is what wars are fought over.

(Hardly anyone realizes this now.)

10. And just to stop at 10 (there's much, much more....) US allies are floundering, unable to depend on the US.
ABM missile shield in East Europe is being rejected by Europe (except UK) and Russia.
Iran strengthened by US annihilation of Iraq is a MUCH stronger enemy to Israel and Europe. Iran has an
intercontinental ballistic missile almost ready.

(Everyone's too confused to realise this now.)

The tradeoff in American liberty for the (so called) War on Terrorism.


NO terrroists attacking the US since 9/11. And why not?
Because US security is so efficient? Because Bush has found a way to "protect" the US?

NO attack since 9/11 for one reason: There IS no "terrorist threat" against the USA. A Grand Hoax.

Of course there will soon be a need to have another phony "terrorist attack". The yellow/orange/red thing is so over.